For stepper motor, I tried a lot of different things and failed. It took me a while to figure out what to do. I first started with just setting up the motor. then I tried to set up motor with ESP32. Then I tried to use sound sensor. I actually burnt one of the sound sensors. I also tried to 3D print parts to make the motor move.

Moving motor

rotate board

Arduino code for moving stepper motor



  const int stepPin = 13;  // blue
  const int dirPin = 12;   // orange
  // Define a stepper and the pins it will use
  AccelStepper stepper(1, stepPin, dirPin); // initialise accelstepper for a two wire board
  void setup()
  void loop()
    if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0)
      // Random change to speed, position and acceleration
      // Make sure we dont get 0 speed or accelerations
      stepper.moveTo(rand() % 1000);
      stepper.setMaxSpeed((rand() % 1000) + 1);
      stepper.setAcceleration((rand() % 1000) + 1);


ESP32 with Stepper Motor

Final Product
3D printed product

Arduino code for stepper motor ESP 32


              int in1Pin = 25;
              int in2Pin = 33;
              int in3Pin = 32;
              int in4Pin = 35;
              Stepper motor(512, in1Pin, in2Pin, in3Pin, in4Pin);  
              void setup()
                pinMode(in1Pin, OUTPUT);
                pinMode(in2Pin, OUTPUT);
                pinMode(in3Pin, OUTPUT);
                pinMode(in4Pin, OUTPUT);
                // this line is for Leonardo's, it delays the serial interface
                // until the terminal window is opened
                //while (!Serial);
              void loop()
                if (Serial.available())
                  int steps = Serial.parseInt();


Sound Sensor

Final Product
diagram wire

Arudino code for sound sensor


            #define DO 8
#define LED_pin 4

unsigned long last_event = 0;
boolean LED_state = false;   

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_pin, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(DO, INPUT);  

void loop() {
  int output = digitalRead(DO);
  if (output == LOW) {
  if (millis() - last_event > 25) {
    Serial.println("Clap sound was detected!");
    LED_state = !LED_state;
    digitalWrite(LED_pin, LED_state ? HIGH : LOW);
  last_event = millis();

Stepper motor controling sound sensor

Final Product

Arduino code for stepper motor sound sensor


            const int stepsPerRevolution = 400;  // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution for your motor
const int numberOfSteps = stepsPerRevolution/8; //45 degree turns
const int dirPin=12; 
const int stepPin=13;
const int rightSensorPin=7;
const int leftSensorPin=8;
const int enablePin=5 ;
boolean rightVal = 0;
boolean leftVal = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode(leftSensorPin, INPUT); //Make pin 8 an input pin.
  pinMode(rightSensorPin, INPUT); //Make pin 7 an input pin.
  pinMode (stepPin, OUTPUT); //Make pin 13 an output pin.
  pinMode (dirPin, OUTPUT); //Make pin 12 an output pin.
  pinMode (enablePin, OUTPUT); //Make pin 5 an output pin.

  digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); //Enable is active low
  Serial.begin (9600); // initialize the serial port:
void loop ()
  //poll inputs for signal
  rightVal =digitalRead(rightSensorPin);
  leftVal =digitalRead(leftSensorPin);
  // when the sensor detects a signal above the threshold value set on sensor, turn finder to the direction of sound
  if (leftVal==LOW && rightVal==HIGH)
    Serial.println("Turning Right");
    digitalWrite(dirPin,LOW); //turn counter-clockwise
    //turn finder in the direction of the sound
    for(int steps = 0; steps < numberOfSteps; steps++)
      //create pulse to turn motor one step at a time
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
    rightVal = 0;
    leftVal = 0;
  else if (leftVal==HIGH && rightVal==LOW)
    Serial.println("Turning Left");
    digitalWrite(dirPin,HIGH); //turn clockwise
    //turn finder in the direction of the sound
    for(int steps = 0; steps < numberOfSteps; steps++)
      //create pulse to turn motor one step at a time
      digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
    rightVal = 0;
    leftVal = 0;
    //Do nothing
    rightVal = 0;
    leftVal = 0;