CNC shopbot
I tried using wood and acrylic. It seems wood works better in CNC shopbot. Acrylic is better for laser cutting, especially when it's very thin.
Final Product
Shopbot wood cut
This is working in progress.
final product
Aspire line
I used a 2.5D milling with Chris's help.
Final Product
Product Clean
This is working in progress.
In Progress
Milling Line
Finished Product
I did another mold using 3D printing
I tried twice as the first time wasn't working very well.
Final Product
Mold small failed
Mold as a whole
It was very difficult to take it apart. took a while.
heart final product
casting in progress
Final Product
Cast preparation
This is working in progress.
Cast prep
Wait casting
Ecoflex OO-50
Cast version 2
This is working in progress for the second casting.
Final Product
After molding it, I want to try to do it in metal. So I poured metal into it. However, the way i took out the marbles. It wasn't very appropriate, so the end product of the metal was half good and half bac.
Metal final product
casting in progress