LED lights

This week we learned about microcontroller. I find online tutorial on traffic light to be a good practice on this topic. I first did the arduino diagram and prepared everything I need.
Arduino Diagram
Equipment ready


  1. LED lights: Red, Yellow, Green
  2. 6 220 ohm Resistors
  3. Button
  4. Arduino Uno
  5. 10k ohm Resistors
  6. Wires
  7. Breadboard

Then I first connected with one pair of LED lights and it seems it works. I also tried to add a button to control it.
One Pair of LED lights
LED lights with button

Final product

Then I put two pairs of LED lights together.

I also tried to play around with other LED lights and seems fun.

Arduino code

          // light one
          int red1 = 10;
          int yellow1 = 9;
          int green1 = 8;

          // light two
          int red2 = 13;
          int yellow2 = 12;
          int green2 = 11;

          int button = 3; // switch is on pin 3

          void setup() {
            // put your setup code here, to run once:
            // light one
            pinMode(red1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(yellow1, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(green1, OUTPUT);
            // light two
            pinMode(red2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(yellow2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(green2, OUTPUT);
            pinMode(button, INPUT);
            digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);

          void loop() {
            // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
            //original code
          //with button
          //   if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH){
          //   delay(15); // software debounce
          //   if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {
          //   // if the switch is HIGH, ie. pushed down - change the lights!
          //   changeLights();
          //   delay(15000); // wait for 15 seconds
          //   }
          //   }

          //two lights
          void changeLights(){
          // turn both yellows on
          digitalWrite(green1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(yellow1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(yellow2, HIGH);
          // turn both yellows off, and opposite green and red
          digitalWrite(yellow1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(yellow2, LOW);
          digitalWrite(red2, LOW);
          digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);
          // both yellows on again
          digitalWrite(yellow1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(yellow2, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(green2, LOW);
          // turn both yellows off, and opposite green and red
          digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(yellow1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(red1, LOW);
          digitalWrite(yellow2, LOW);
          digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

          //one light
          //void changeLights(){
          // // green off, yellow on for 3 seconds
          // digitalWrite(green, LOW);
          // digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
          // delay(3000);
          // // turn off yellow, then turn red on for 5 seconds
          // digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);
          // digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
          // delay(5000);
          // // red and yellow on for 2 seconds (red is already on though)
          // digitalWrite(yellow, HIGH);
          // delay(2000);
          // // turn off red and yellow, then turn on green
          // digitalWrite(yellow, LOW);
          // digitalWrite(red, LOW);
          // digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
          // delay(3000);


Traffic Light Arduino