Light Bulb Cover

I want to put a cover for the light bulb for my final project, so I 3D printed one.
Light bulb front
Light bulb top

3D modeling process in Fusion 360


Here's the final model look.
Final model
3D print slicing

3D printing in process

First layer
Half way printing
Top view
Front View

Final 3D printed product

Top view
Front View

3D print part + Slice into PrusaSlicer

Fusion 360 File STL
PrusaSlicer Print

In terms of the settings, I chose the printer Original Prusa i3 MK3S & MK3S+. I also changed the skirt settings as it's a small and fragil piece. Even though it says it will take 31 mins, it only took 13 mins. Maybe I read it wrong. LOL.
Pick Printer
Skirt Settings

3D Printer
Printed Parts

3D printed Part1

View 1
View 2

Pros and cons of 3D printing

3D printing can be great if it's some complex pattern. However, it's very time-consuming. For my part, it took 6.5 hours to complete. If I did laser cutting, it probably will only take less than 30 mins to finish.

Scan something

I tried different ways to scan my scooter. I used Polycam and Metascan. PolyCam automatically took photos, while Metascan asks me to take photos (at least 20 photos). PolyCam took almost 70+ photos while on MetaScan I only took 30 photos. The outcome of PolyCam is better as it has more photos, though MetaScan outcome is cleaner as I deleted all the noisy backgrounds. It seems that to have a good 3D scanning file, I need to take lots of photos + no noisy backgrounds.
Actual Scooter
3D scanned version

Actual Scooter with Scanned Scooter
3D scanned view 2

Files Download

Final Project Updates

For my final project, I first printed this light bulb cover. I'm also in the process of creating different types of jars.
Also, I scheduled a meeting with Iulian from the education school to discuss AR applications. I started to learn Unreal following tutorials.


  1. Beer Bottle in Fusion 360
  2. Design a 3D Printed Lampshade
  3. Vase Mode modeling